Welcome to School!
The Judy Center provides programs that will give parents the knowledge, skills, and resources to meet their children’s basic needs; provides affordable, high – quality early childhood programs; provides quality health services, which promote the healthy growth and development of children; and collaborates with community agencies. The Coordinator is also the co-chair of the Early Childhood Advisory Council and chair of the family involvement sub-committee. Allegany County has two Judy Center locations at Beall Elementary School and South Penn Elementary School.

Our Services
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Multi-age 3 & 4-year-old classrooms, 3-year-old classrooms and Pre-school Special Education Classes
Summer Education Camps
Maryland Birth to Five Program
Full-Day/Full-Year Child Care (including before-and after school)
Head Start Services
Family Support Services
Adult Education (GED & Adult Basic Education)
Children’s Health Services, including free vision and dental screenings
Coordinated Case Management
Parent Workshops
Parent/Child Activities
Community Referral Services
Children’s Mental Health Services
Infant & Toddler Playgroups
Overview of programs

3-Year-Old Program
Three-year-old children are able to come into a typical classroom to help them receive a good foundation for future educational success. Criteria for selecting these students includes, but is not limited to: low-income families; siblings having poor school performance; special circumstances- single parents, incarcerated parents, etc; disability of the child; and other criteria.

Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten
Four-year-olds meeting specific criteria are given priority for placement in a classroom. All five-year-olds are eligible to be placed in fully validated classrooms.

Classroom for children with Autism
Bringing children with a diagnosis of autism, or who are suspected of being on the autism spectrum, into a school setting at an early age has shown to be beneficial in providing meaningful and positive changes in behavior that go towards a singular goal: your child leading a happy, productive, and fulfilling life.